Saturday, September 21, 2013

+ America Walking -

A full year had elapsed
Since last we came to pass
Her whereabouts I possessed not a clue
Notably I took interest in the fact
That she now was working
At the venue whence first we had met

Those sandy, brown locks wavering
Accompanied by the most provocative lips America did see
Caused me to re-visualize assorted levels of elation
She was a walking religion
Yet fearfully she was in denial
Though judging by the way our eyes locked
Ultimately I sensed that still
Something was there…

Saturday, September 14, 2013

+ Tourists -

Bad blood.
Yes, that's the substance
That appears to be touring amongst us
Stains of a silent vendetta
Howling against my cranium
Classically, such a rhythm dances
With a carelessly, continuous tune
Am I but an indefinite design
In this fearsome game?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

+ Traffic Lights -

Discernment often resembles a fable
When translating the language composed by women
As tantalizing as these creatures may be
Various medleys of gestures so fallaciously are given

On certain occasions it appears that
One’s efforts have been green lit
When so suddenly red flags are discovered
Dancing amidst the clouds

Gradually the entire project
Grows to be eminently disheartening
Women, the puppeteers that they reflect,
Behave as if the universe
Is a vaginal duplication
Although society may deem that laughable
The results of such callousness
Quite strangely are familiar…